Thursday, July 9, 2009

A real first post

I suppose now is the time to make a real first post. Although not yet "The Larson Family", I hope to add a counter on the side, maybe with the header "Days until the blog title is accurate!" or something like that.

Anyways, we created this blog so we can keep you all appraised of the goings-on in our own lives, as well as connect with our friends near and far. Please use this blog as a forum for discussion and communication with us and each other. NO CREEPY STALKERS WELCOME!

To open this blog, I would love to offer my version of the story regarding how we met and how I proposed. Sarah I am sure will add her side, as I probably have things wrong.

As I remember it, I first saw Sarah at our first Family Home Evening meeting. In my mind, I still remember answering the question "Where would oyou live, and why?" almost exactly the same as she did. We both said "Paris". The why is not important. Immediately, I thought "Wow, shes cool. We need to talk". That gradually morphed into "Wow, we should go on a date." And that set off a chain reaction that has led to today - a happily engaged couple who is excited to starst a life on their own.

Now for the proposal. To those of you who have already heard the story, I am sorry.

On Thursday, June 25, Sarah and I went on a date up Provo canyon. I had prepared some tinfoil dinners for our consumption, and unbeknownst to her, a mini-tinfoil dinner, which happened to have a ring inside. We arrived at South Fork park, found a firepit, and started cooking. I had brought some dessert and other munchies, so we ate those while just hanging out by the fire. The dinners cooked, and they were delicious! Love was in the air! I finished first, and went to "re-arrange the coals" using the tongs we had. I slipped the ring wrapped in tinfoil into the tongs from my pocket - saying "Look what I found!"

The next few moments were some of the most interesting I have ever had. They were slow, fast, nervous, exciting, and every other emotion possible. I unwrapped the wring, opened the box, knelt down on one knee, and asked Sarah to marry me. She said yes.

And thats how it happened folks.

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