Yes, we are now very proud parents! I know you are dying to hear the story so here it goes. We have been talking about it for a while. We were worried about the space and the time, the energy and money required. But on Mothers day (what better day to become parents) we adopted two beautiful Beta fish.
We wanted to make a Disney theme for all of our pet names. Corey's fish is named Emperor Zurg and mine is named Flo. They have added such joy to both our lives. Emperor Zurg really lives up to his name. They are Siamese Fighting fish so the first night we brought them home we had them sharing the same tank with only a plastic divider and they fought all night. In the morning we found poor Flo sitting at the bottom and Zurg triophantly swimming around. Now they live in two different contains with a colored paper between them.
Flo and Zurg are also very smart (mostly Flo). Zurg will attack anything he sees. He will also try to jump out at feeding time. Flo will follow my finger at feeding time and even try to eat the food from my fingers. We are very happy with the new addition to our beautiful family.
I'm not going to lie, the title of the post initially freaked me out. You got me with that one. :P