So I finally updated our blog. I am very proud of my self and I think it looks way cute, but how could it not? Corey and I would make anything look good. I have been reading others friend's and family's and I feel like it is now my obligation to make one too. I also took a class at BYU last semester that taught me how to blog so not only do I feel obligated I am highly qualified. So I would like to welcome you to the new and improved Larson Family News Blog!
I know it's been a little while since I last posted so I'll give some updates first, We got Married! Yay! And if you will notice our counter on the side that Corey programmed it now shows how many days we have been married rather than days until we get married. (which also reminds me how longs it's been since the last post)
Another thing I learned from reading other people's blogs is that it isn't a worth while post if it doesn't have at least one picture. So here are some of my favorites.

Yay we are married now.

"yay for love"

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